Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapters 5-12

One thing I got from each different group discussed in the chapters was they all define community differently. When I first began the reading I was tuned in to trying to find the right definition of VC. After reading the book, I can see that it is ok for every person or site to have a different take on the definition. The members contribute to a definition that it is dynamic and evolving. One of the statements in the book talked about how members set the expectations. They model appropriate or acceptable behaviors for their communities. Then a new person determines what their expectations are, if they will fit in, and will they be able to contribute under those circumstances. The chapters also reiterate that the VC has to support the members. They have to meet the members at their level of education and support them as they progress and grow.
Another ideal that I found interesting and applicable to my own career was the detraditionalization. As a nurse you take on the role of advocate for the community you practice in. With the internet that has become a challenge. I may tell my patient best practice and then they read on line something that sounds better. I have to be aware of how people use or find their information in order to educate and advocate for them. I have had to explain to many of my home patients that the physician may prescribe a medication that will not match up with what the WebMD states. That sometimes physicians can and will prescribe for off label uses. I have to explain risk versus benefit ratios to them. I have to explain that if you look up a prescribed med and it says it is an antidepressant that is true but you are taking it for nerve pain. It is sometimes a battle to get a patient to maintain compliance because of the information overload. They want to be in charge of their care and we are taught to encourage that, but it can be difficult when they are not sure what they are reading and who is telling the truth.


  1. I understand what you mean Shelly. It is difficult to get patients to comply with their prescribed health regime when they want to compare what is found on WebMD. It is nice when patients take reponsibility for their own health care but at the same time understand why their prescribed care is important and catered to their needs.
    Also I agree the definition of a virtual community is defined by the participants and is evolving in order to meet the needs of its members.

  2. I agree. I often have patients that I have to explain to that the information on the internet is generalized and the doctor is treating the patient specifically. The information on the internet is not always patient specific, but patients seem to think that if it is on the internet, it is truth and fact and pertains to everyone equally. This is one way that the internet has made it more difficult for us to do our jobs. Something that is designed to make life easier has actually caused us to have to take extra time to explain.
